Wednesday, August 20, 2008

FINALLY- Questions for the June/July Book

Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
1. In my mind there has been a lot of thought between then (the time period of the book) and now, particularly because of the Olympics. Any thoughts you have on this since we "compare and contrast" countries as we (USA) compete in China?
2. From the book: All three of the women at the center of Wild Swans display great courage, often to a stunning extent- speaking out in times of enforced unanimity, facing firing squads, risking their lives for the sake of others. Compare the kinds of bravery they exemplified. Does on stand out as particularly courageous?
3. At times in this book, and with one person particularly, I was angry and disgusted, but by the end I had more sympathy and respect than I ever thought I would. Did the story and conclusion of it bring similar feelings? If yes, what specifically brought the changes in feelings?
4. Do you think that some experiences these people had, and the small miracles that happened in their lives was a result of their faith or hope in God (also in eternal, true principles)? Having been subjected throughout time to deify the emperor or leader, do you think they ever thought of a "higher power" than a man? Why?

Can't wait to hear your answers!
Happy Reading!

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